HES reports

Registry plans In 2018, the Registry aims to become an independent not-for-profit organisation, with the support of key partners British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG), Crohn’s and Colitis UK and the Royal College of Physicians. Further progress will be reported...

Patient Records Pass 30,000

Richard Driscoll It is with great regret and sadness that we have to inform you of the untimely passing of our friend and colleague Richard Driscoll. Richard passed away on the morning of Saturday 21st October, following a cardiac arrest. He is survived by his wife...

Quarterly Reports out this Month

Patient Consent Update Good news!  We have received an extension of our Section 251 exemption for England and Wales until May 2018, which means that consent is assumed unless patients opt out, and data can be submitted without formal consent. Posters (available from...

We’re updating the drug dictionary

Data Drug Dictionary  Update We are updating the core dataset, including the list of medications, in the drug dictionary. Many thanks to those of you who have already sent suggestions. If you have changes you’d like to propose please contact our Data Manager, Mark...

Registry Roadshow Wins Award

We’re absolutely delighted that the 2016 IBD Registry Roadshow has won the Communiqué Award for Excellence in Healthcare Collaboration and Partnerships. The Roadshow was a real team effort, with enormous commitment from the BSG, the Audit team at the RCP, Crohn’s and...