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Unless otherwise stated, the copyright and other rights on all material published on belong to the IBD Registry under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 licence.

Visitors to this website can download, save, share, copy and distribute extracts of content from free of charge for academic research or non-commercial purposes, as long as this does not represent a significant part of our website and is appropriately attributed to the IBD Registry using the following language: 

“This analysis was published by the IBD Registry in [year], licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. More information about how the IBD Registry collects and analyses data can be found at” 

Requests to alter or adapt any of our content or reproduce or distribute it for commercial purposes must be sent to the IBD Registry at [email protected]

The copyright for some materials on this website does not belong to the IBD Registry, for example slides from presentations given by external speakers at our events, data and charts produced by other individuals or organisations, and data definitions from other organisations. Permission to share, copy, distribute, alter or adapt these materials must be obtained in advance from the relevant copyright owner.


Any manuscript that makes substantial use of data from the IBD Registry should include the IBD Registry as an author in the following way:

IBD Registry1

1IBD Registry, 1 St Andrews Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4LB

The position of the citation within the authorship list will be agreed with the IBD Registry on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the IBD Registry team at [email protected] for our full press and publications guidance if you have a publication making use of our data.

Publication costs

Where the IBD Registry is acknowledged, we are unable to pay or contribute to the costs associated with publications arising from studies.

Where the IBD Registry is a named author, we are not usually able to make a contribution towards the publication costs but may agree to do so in exceptional circumstances.