IBD Registry Extract Filter Tool

for use by clinical teams

Our Extract Filter Tool is a desktop application that can be downloaded and used by NHS Trusts to filter their data extract files so that they are only sharing permissioned data with the IBD Registry. This will ensure your data files only contain data consented using our revised (V4) consent process or allowed to flow under the s251 provision.

IBD teams can also use it to ensure compliance with the national data opt-out (required only in England).

Please ensure that you have read our guide before using the tool for the first time.

Why should I use a desktop application?

The desktop application avoids the need for any changes to your clinical systems. It allows you to filter your existing extract files to conform to the requirements of the new IBD Registry data access platform. No data will leave your Trust network during the filtering process.

Is this tool secure?

This is an official product designed and built by the IBD Registry. The code is publicly available and your IT team can download the zip file here. The tool has also been digitally signed by DigiCert, which confirms that this is an authentic IBD Registry-approved release.

Does this cover the national data opt-out?

You can upload a .dat file of patients whose data is permissioned to flow under s251 (i.e. those who have not signed the national data opt-out). The tool will then produce new data files with all patients who have signed up to the national data opt-out removed (unless they have consented to the Registry under revised (V4) consent).

How do I download this tool?

The program is supplied as a single file ‘portable’ program. Please follow your internal IT guidance for downloading new programs. If your IT team requires any further information from us please get in touch. You or your IT team can download the tool here.

It is recommended you store the tool in a memorable location so you can find it easily when you need it.

For general enquiries or to report any issues contact [email protected]

Extract Filter Tool Guide

The Extract Filter Tool Guide provides full guidance on using the IBD Registry Extract Filter Tool. Please ensure you have read it before using the tool for the first time. You can find out more about the Extract Filter Tool and download it here.