Taking a much-needed few days rest at the end of a year that I think most of us didn’t see coming.
Carefully laid annual plans went out of the window in March to be replaced by COVID-19 reactive planning. That included the COVID-19 IBD Risk Tool, our sleeper surprise of the year. We thought it would help a few people with IBD to assess their risk; by August, over 34,000 people with IBD had used the Tool – an astounding number. In all this, a huge thanks to the wonderful IBD clinical teams who kept us running with data – despite everything, they still submitted 12,000 new records.
The Registry team moved online, and in that time we’ve taken on new staff and secondments, all online. We sat down as a team (virtually, of course) and discussed what we wanted as our ‘social rules’, to stay bonded and together when many of us have never even met. Will we go back to the office ? Maybe.. but one thing is sure, not in the way we worked previously. In all this, a huge thanks to the wonderful IBD clinical teams who kept us running with data – despite everything, they still submitted 12,000 new records.
Here’s looking forwards to 2021. We (the world) have a vaccine, and more than one. But we also have virus variants and exhausted healthcare professionals. Let’s hope that the year to come will (eventually) be a kinder year.